A premium porn site is a site you have to pay to view its content. Premium porn sites are closely related to but differ from porn tube sites. A porn tube site offers free porn videos, usually uploaded by users […]
Q & A
The Question and Answer category is the location where you can find quick/short answers to some of the most common tech questions related to operating systems, browsers, apps, gaming, and more.
What Is malware.oscommerce_infection?
Malware.oscommerce_infection malware is malware found on sites running OsCommerce software. The Malware.oscommerce_infection malware commonly is injected or found in .htaccess redirects. For example, a malicious spam link may look like http://kirm-ar.ru/command/index.php. In this example, the .htaccess redirects users to the […]
What Is malware.redkit?
Malware.redkit malware is malware with encoded Javascript that creates a Redkit Exploit kit. The Redkit Exploit kit is a web browser exploit that most commonly uses vulnerabilities found in Flash, Java, or Adobe PDF files. The Redkit Exploit kit exploits […]
What Is malware.generic_jsobfuscator?
Malware.generic_jsobfuscator malware is malware that uses the common JavaScript Obfuscator. An example of malware code using the JavaScript Obfuscator: var _0x8b1d=[“\x68\x74\x74\x70\x73\x3A\x2F\x2F\x65\x6E\x67\x69\x6E\x65\x2E\x70\x68\x6E\x2E\x64\x6F\x75\x62\x6C\x65\x70\x69\x6D\x70\x2E\x63\x6F\x6D\x2F\x6C\x69\x6E\x6B\x2E\x65\x6E\x67\x69\x6E\x65\x3F\x67\x75\x69\x64\x3D\x33\x34\x38\x61\x39\x39\x66\x64\x2D\x35\x61\x61\x37\x2D\x34\x32\x63\x
What Is qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm?
qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm is every key on the keyboard pressed from left to right and top to bottom. qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm as a phrase represents severe boredom by the person sitting behind the computer.
What Is a PHP Version?
PHP is computer code that assists in the underlying operations of many websites on the internet. PHP code is related to the server side rather than website code. The vast majority of websites on the internet are reliant on PHP […]
What Is URLVoid?
URLVoid is an online website reputation checker. URLVoid uses a unique set of websites that it refers to as blocking engines to check how those sites rate a particular website. If any source on their blocking engine has flagged a […]
What Is a Community Score?
A community score related to online malware scanners is the score registered users have recorded for a website. Community scores are separate from the grades by security vendors. A security vendor uses software to scan websites, whereas a community score […]
What Is Directory Listing?
Directory Listing is a webpage that shows the files and directories on a web server that make up the website. Every website has a directory that hosts the files; however, listing the directories publicly so that they are viewable by […]
What Is an Amateur Porn Site?
An amateur porn site contains content from models, actors, or non-professionals performing without pay or in a self-employed environment such as OnlyFans. Amateur porn can be self-employed models performing on online platforms or homemade pornography. Amateur porn sites are closely […]
What Is a Script?
A computer script is a string of code that can be interpreted and carried out by another program. An example of a programming script is JavaScript. JavaScript is core to the internet and allows developers to use scripting language to […]
What Is WhoIs?
WhoIs is a database of domain registrants so you can see who is behind a domain and get in contact with them. Registrants can choose to hide most of their information so it remains private, though a registrar such as […]
What Is a Sex Cam Site?
A sex cam site is a website with models live streaming via their webcams for tips. Sex cam sites have been around since the dawn of the internet but gained popularity in recent years with Chaturbate. Other popular sex cam […]
What Is a Hentai Manga Site?
A hentai manga site is a porn comic/cartoon website typically of Japanese origin. Hentai manga often is liked for its exaggerated cartoons which emphasize fetishes such as large breasts or muscles. Hentai manga is also commonly used for fetishes in […]
What Is a Porn Picture Site?
A porn picture site is a porn website with only pictures (no video content). Pornographic images are popular to look at as are pornographic videos. Some websites separate the content so those wanting only porn images get nothing but images […]
What Is an Adult Clip Site?
An adult clip site is a website with short porn videos most commonly associated with streaming content. Adult clip sites have videos of a length between GIFs and standard videos (GIFs being shorter in length and standard videos longer). Adult […]
What Is a Porn Search Engine?
A porn search engine is a porn website that finds porn web pages located on other domains that match a web search query. A porn search engine works similarly to a standard search engine such as Google but will only […]
What Is Similar Web?
Similar Web is a data aggregation website where you can find information and statistics regarding a particular website and its competitors. Similar Web was founded by Or Offer in 2007 in Tel Aviv, Israel. Today it is a publicly traded […]
What Is the Wayback Machine?
The Wayback Machine is a tool found on the Internet Archive for saving and restoring old webpages. Many people save webpages in the Wayback Machine so they can revisit them later. The Wayback Machine is capable of saving a webpage […]
How To Stay Safe Online
Why Is It Important To Stay Safe Online When browsing the internet, you need to avoid malicious sites. Often that means avoiding malware, but the term “malicious” means anything with malicious intent that encompasses more than malware — it also […]
What Is a Porn Tube Site?
A porn tube is a site that allows for the uploading and playback of pornographic videos. Porn tubes have free content as a pose to premium porn sites that require a subscription. “Tube” was a term for the television. The […]
What Is Malware?
Malware is any scam that uses software developed to maliciously attack a computer. If a site has malware, it means that it has malicious software that it installs on your computer if you were to visit it. Note that malware […]
What Is a Malicious Website?
A malicious website either has malware, a phishing (social engineering) scam or is an illegitimate website. Types of Malicious Websites Malware Sites Malware is any scam that uses software developed to maliciously attack a computer. If a site has malware, […]
What Is a Blacklisted Website?
If a website is blacklisted, it has been excluded and disallowed from the list. For instance, we use the term “blacklisted” to refer to sites excluded from a list of safe sites with our website checking tool. Sucuri is a […]
What is Unmask Parasites?
Unmask Parasites is a website security check tool that specializes in detecting parasites. A parasite is malware coming from compromised sites. Many websites are hacked due to security vulnerabilities and hackers may insert hidden illicit content into the webpages. Unmask […]
What Is Sucuri?
Sucuri (sucuri.net) is an online malware-scanner owned by GoDaddy. You can also use Sucuri to monitor your website, add a website firewall, and as a malware removal tool. Sucuri offers several paid services including a website security platform, website firewall, […]
Oneplus Nord N100 OEM Unlock Greyed Out
I have a MetroPCS Oneplus Nord N100 and have enabled the Developer Options but within it shows the OEM Unlocking option greyed out. How do I enable OEM Unlock if it is greyed out? Resolution: The carrier you buy the […]
Should I Upgrade to Windows 11?
If you’re a Windows user, there is no bigger question to ask yourself other than should I upgrade to Windows 11? And there may not be anyone better to answer the question since we are Windows experts who unlike most […]
How to Unlock Bootloader without OEM Unlock?
I have received many questions up until now regarding OEM Unlock. I have answered the most commonly asked questions recently such as what is Fastboot OEM Unlock?, how to get OEM Unlock in Developer Options, no OEM Unlock in Developer Options […]
What Is Fastboot OEM Unlock
Though more Android smartphones are coming with unlocked bootloaders now than ever before, most of them still come with locked bootloaders, meaning you are unable to install custom firmware out of the box. fastboot oem unlock is the Fastboot command […]