Tumblr (tumblr.com) is a social media site with an emphasis on pictures.


Similar sites to Tumblr include Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Patreon, Reddit, TikTok, Discord, and Facebook.


The homepage shows trending topics. There were three other options from the menu: staff picks, answer time, and more. Within the more section are options for text, photos, GIFs, quotes, charts, audio, videos, and asks. The main feed on the page beneath the menu was images. I scrolled down the images. I scrolled through roughly 10 before a pop-up message overlay came on the screen. It had to sign in to continue. I signed into my account and the feed now said “for you” on top and the pictures featured things that were not related to me yet. In the left menu, I could choose between explore, activity, messages, inbox, account, settings, and TumblrMart. 6/17/2024


As of October 2023, tumblr.com has 194.7 million monthly views, according to Similar Web. The Wayback Machine estimates that tumblr.com was founded on January 5, 2007. The Internet Archive has saved tumblr.com 464,803 times between January 5, 2007 and December 12, 2023.

Is tumblr.com Safe?

Here, I analyzed tumblr.com for malware and malicious content to check if it was legit or a scam:

Sucuri says tumblr.com is a low security risk. Results: Sucuri scan for tumblr.com.

tumblr.com Sucuri results

Sucuri says tumblr.com is a low security risk; however, it returned a 403 Forbidden status on the URL https://www.tumblr.com/help.

Security hardening flaws:

  • Missing security header for ClickJacking Protection. Affected pages:
  • Missing security header to prevent Content Type sniffing. Affected pages:
  • Missing Strict-Transport-Security security header. Affected pages:
  • Missing Content-Security-Policy directive. Affected pages:

Unmask Parasites says tumblr.com is clean. Results: Unmask Parasites scan for tumblr.com.

VirusTotal says tumblr.com is clean; however, it does have an unfavorable community score. Results: VirusTotal scan for tumblr.com.

tumblr.com VirusTotal results

URLVoid says tumblr.com passed all blocklist engines. Results: URLVoid scan for tumblr.com.

In conclusion, Sucuri says tumblr.com is a low security risk; however, it returned a 403 Forbidden status on the URL https://www.tumblr.com/help. Unmask Parasites says tumblr.com is clean of parasites. VirusTotal and Sucuri say tumblr.com isn’t malicious or blacklisted. OVERALL GRADE: Relatively Safe.

Links and Profiles

Website: tumblr.com

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