IPornTV (iporntv.net) is a mobile porn site. Truly a mobile-optimized porn site, the desktop version of IPornTV also looks like it was made for mobile. The categories are listed in the footer of the homepage and there is a search box toward the top of the homepage. You can also browse the best videos of the month. IPornTV says its goal is to keep porn free and easy to access. IPornTV is updated every day with new videos.

As of March 2023, iporntv.net has 70 million monthly views, according to Similar Web. The Wayback Machine estimates that iporntv.net was founded on October 24, 2011. The Internet Archive has saved iporntv.net 821 times between October 24, 2011, and April 5, 2023.

Is iporntv.net Safe?

Here, I analyzed iporntv.net for malware and malicious content to check if it was legit or a scam:

I checked iporntv.net on Sucuri, and it returned with a 403 Forbidden site issue. Results: Sucuri scan for the site iporntv.net.

IPornTV.net Sucuri results

Sucuri says iporntv.net is a medium security risk because the scan failed due to a 403 Forbidden site issue.

  • Missing security header for ClickJacking Protection. Affected pages:
    https://iporntv.net/ for iPad’s UA

I then ran a parasite scan with Unmask Parasites on iporntv.net and, it is suspicious. Results: Unmask Parasites scan for the site iporntv.net.

Unmask Parasites cites 1 suspicious inline script found:

(function(){var js = "window['__CF$cv$params']={r:'7b368c86db8ce259',m:'RaSILbbzjiNYDFLOpBX0qHiVLCnhY.O.q2c2v25eXqY-16807...

I also checked iporntv.net on VirusTotal and Doctor Web flagged it as malicious. Results: VirusTotal scan for the site iporntv.net.

IPornTV.net VirusTotal results

Further, iporntv.net is blocked by DrWeb on URLVoid. Results: URLVoid scan for the site iporntv.net.

In conclusion, since iporntv.net was graded a medium security risk on Sucuri and there was a suspicious inline script and Doctor Web flagged it as malicious, we graded iporntv.net as suspicious. OVERALL GRADE: Suspicious.

Links and Profiles

Website: iporntv.net


1. SimilarWeb – iporntv.net

2. Wayback Machine – iporntv.net