Femdom Up (femdomup.net) is a porn tube site.

In 2024, Femdom Up had the same website architecture as Jerk Planet. It also had networks in the header, including Fendom Place, Only Favorites, Lovely Fendom, Fendom Fetish, Fendom XXX, Fendom ZZZ, Shemale 777, and ThePornMap.


Similar sites to Femdom Up include Xmegadrive, Femdom-pov, Pornfd, Pornovideoshub, Femdom-joi, Fetishfemdom, Femdomzzz, Newfemdomvideos, Jerkplanet, and Clips4sale.


As of January 2024, femdomup.net has 827, 187 monthly views. Femdomup.net was founded on May 19, 2020. The Internet Archive has saved femdomup.net 76 times between May 19, 2020 and December 7, 2023.

Is femdomup.net Safe?

Here, I analyzed femdomup.net for malware and malicious content to check if it was legit or a scam:

I checked femdomup.net on Sucuri, and it returned with no issues. Results.

femdomup.net Sucuri results

Security hardening flaws:

    • Missing security header for ClickJacking Protection. Affected pages:

I then ran a parasite scan with Unmask Parasites on femdomup.net, and it is suspicious. Results.

Unmask Parasites cites 1 suspicious inline script:

document.write('< a href="//www.liveinternet.ru/click" '+ 'target="_blank">< img src="//counter.yadro.ru/hit?t14.4;r'+ es...

I also checked femdomup.net on VirusTotal, and it is clean. Results.

femdomup.net VirusTotal results

Further, femdomup.net passed all blocklist engines on URLVoid. Results.

In conclusion, the suspicious inline script prevents us from being able to grade femdomup.net any higher than relatively safe. OVERALL GRADE: Relatively Safe.

Links and Profiles

Website: femdomup.net

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femdomup.net User Reviews
Average rating:  
 1 reviews
 by Jeffrey

Femdom Up showed "Flash Player Update" ads when I visited. Thankfully, these were some of the least intrusive tech support scam ads I had come across, and was able to decline. After clicking on a category, however, I was greeted by another tech support scam; this time, "McAfee" popped up a message to let me know that there were "5 viruses found" on my computer. At this stage, I'm yet to do anything on the site -- no videos are playing yet. After removing the second scam ad, I clicked on a video, and it loaded in another browser tab that disappeared, and that was the end of my visit. Don't bother with this site!