zTube (ztube.org) is a porn tube site.


As of December 2023, ztube.org has 1.1 million monthly views. Ztube.org was founded on July 28, 2008. The Internet Archive has saved ztube.org 257 times between July 28, 2008 and January 7, 2024.

Is ztube.org Safe?

Here, I analyzed ztube.org for malware and malicious content to check if it was legit or a scam:

I checked ztube.org on Sucuri, and it returned as a medium security risk. Results: Sucuri scan for ztube.org.

ztube.org Sucuri results

Sucuri says ztube.org is a medium security risk because it returned a 403 Forbidden status on the URL http://ztube.org/.

Security hardening flaws:

  • Missing security header for ClickJacking Protection. Affected pages:
    https://ztube.org/ for iPad’s UA

I then ran a parasite scan with Unmask Parasites on ztube.org, and it is suspicious. Results: Unmask Parasites scan for ztube.org.

Unmask Parasites cites 1 suspicious inline script:

(function(){var js = "window['__CF$cv$params']={r:'847c03764ff56078',t:'MTcwNTYzNTE3Ny45ODUwMDA='};_cpo=document.createEl...

I also checked ztube.org on VirusTotal, and it is clean. Results: VirusTotal scan for ztube.org.

ztube.org VirusTotal results

URLVoid says ztube.org passed all blocklist engines. Results: URLVoid scan for ztube.org.

In conclusion, Sucuri says ztube.org is a medium security risk because it returned a 403 Forbidden status on the URL http://ztube.org/. Unmask Parasites says ztube.org is clean of parasites. VirusTotal and Sucuri say ztube.org isn’t malicious or blacklisted. OVERALL GRADE: Relatively Safe.

Links and Profiles

Website: ztube.org

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