Last Updated on October 12, 2024 by Mathew Diekhake
XFreeHD ( is a porn tube site.
Similar sites to XFreeHD include PornTrex, Sxyprn, Noodlemagazine, Xfantazy, and PeekVids.
The homepage of had 4 thumbnails per row and 12 rows in total. It was notable how feature-rich the video thumbnails were on The clickable title was located beneath the thumbnail. On top of the thumbnail was an icon to show if it was HD, a view counter, the user rating, and the total time the video goes for. When I see all of these features at once, it’s usually on one of the most trafficked porn sites because of the web development skills and budget required to implement them. The homepage was split into three clearly titled sections: videos being watched, newest and popular porn videos, and most recent videos. The single post pages took longer to load than average for a high-trafficked porn tube site; however, they did load fine. Notably, there was a download button beneath the video player on the single post pages to download the videos to my computer. It will be as safe to download these videos as it will be to visit the website, so if the malware scanners say it’s safe, it will be safe to download them to a PC. Also beneath the video player was the profile name of the user who published the video and you could subscribe to them by clicking on their name. Moreover, it showed the number of subscribers the uploader had on the same badge. Visually, was considerably above average for the niche with clever design and wise use of colors.
As of July 2023, the site has an estimated 14.0 million monthly views, according to Similar Web. The Wayback Machine estimates was founded on October 4, 2015. The Internet Archive has saved the domain 295 times between October 4, 2015 and August 3, 2023.
Is Safe?
Here, I analyzed for malware and malicious content to check if it was legit or a scam:
I checked on Sucuri, and it returned with no issues.
Security hardening flaws:
- Missing security header for
ClickJacking Protection
. Affected pages:
I then ran a parasite scan with Unmask Parasites on, and it is clean.
I also checked on VirusTotal and it is flagged as malicious by CyRadar.
Further, passed all blocklist engines on URLVoid.
In conclusion, Sucuri says doesn’t have malware. Unmask Parasites says is clean of parasites. And VirusTotal says is flagged as malicious by CyRadar. OVERALL GRADE: Relatively Safe.
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