Celebrity Thumbs (celebrity-thumbs.nl) is a porn picture site.


Similar sites to Celebrity Thumbs include topnudecelebs.nl, all-nude-celebrities.net, celebritybabes.nl, celebact.com, ukphotosafari.org, celebrities4free.nl, nudecelebthumbs.nl, 4celeb.net, nudecelebritypictures.nu, and celebnudesphotos.xyz.


As of December 2023, celebrity-thumbs.nl has 34.6K monthly views, according to Similar Web. The Wayback Machine estimates that celebrity-thumbs.nl was founded on April 13, 2011. The Internet Archive has saved celebrity-thumbs.nl 1,971 times between April 13, 2011 and October 31, 2023.

Is celebrity-thumbs.nl Safe?

Here, I analyzed celebrity-thumbs.nl for malware and malicious content to check if it was legit or a scam:

I checked celebrity-thumbs.nl on Sucuri, and it returned as a medium security risk. Results: Sucuri scan for celebrity-thumbs.nl.

celebrity-thumbs.nl Sucuri results

Sucuri says celebrity-thumbs.nl is a medium security risk because it returned a 500 Internal Server Error on the URL http://celebrity-thumbs.nl/404testpage4525d2fdc.

The TLS certificate does not match on these URLs:

  • https://www.celebrity-thumbs.nl/categories/Nude.htm
  • https://www.celebrity-thumbs.nl/categories/Oops.htm
  • https://www.celebrity-thumbs.nl/categories/Pussy.htm
  • https://www.celebrity-thumbs.nl/categories/Upskirt.htm

There are also TLS recommendations (no redirect from HTTP to HTTPS).

I then ran a parasite scan with Unmask Parasites on celebrity-thumbs.nl, and it is clean. Results: Unmask Parasites scan for celebrity-thumbs.nl.

I also checked celebrity-thumbs.nl on VirusTotal, and it is clean. Results: VirusTotal scan for celebrity-thumbs.nl.

celebrity-thumbs.nl VirusTotal results

URLVoid says celebrity-thumbs.nl passed all blocklist engines. Results: URLVoid scan for celebrity-thumbs.nl.

In conclusion, Sucuri says celebrity-thumbs.nl is a medium security risk because it returned a 500 Internal Server Error on the URL http://celebrity-thumbs.nl/404testpage4525d2fdc. Unmask Parasites says celebrity-thumbs.nl is clean of parasites. VirusTotal and Sucuri say celebrity-thumbs.nl isn’t malicious or blacklisted. OVERALL GRADE: Relatively Safe.

Links and Profiles

Website: celebrity-thumbs.nl


1. SimilarWeb – celebrity-thumbs.nl

2. Wayback Machine – celebrity-thumbs.nl