Celebrity Thumbs (celebrity-thumbs.nl) is a porn picture site.


Similar sites to Celebrity Thumbs include topnudecelebs.nl, all-nude-celebrities.net, celebritybabes.nl, celebact.com, ukphotosafari.org, celebrities4free.nl, nudecelebthumbs.nl, 4celeb.net, nudecelebritypictures.nu, and celebnudesphotos.xyz.


As of December 2023, celebrity-thumbs.nl has 34.6K monthly views. Celebrity-thumbs.nl was founded on April 13, 2011. The Internet Archive has saved celebrity-thumbs.nl 1,971 times between April 13, 2011 and October 31, 2023.

Is celebrity-thumbs.nl Safe?

Here, I analyzed celebrity-thumbs.nl for malware and malicious content to check if it was legit or a scam:

I checked celebrity-thumbs.nl on Sucuri, and it returned as a medium security risk. Results: Sucuri scan for celebrity-thumbs.nl.

celebrity-thumbs.nl Sucuri results

Sucuri says celebrity-thumbs.nl is a medium security risk because it returned a 500 Internal Server Error on the URL http://celebrity-thumbs.nl/404testpage4525d2fdc.

The TLS certificate does not match on these URLs:

  • https://www.celebrity-thumbs.nl/categories/Nude.htm
  • https://www.celebrity-thumbs.nl/categories/Oops.htm
  • https://www.celebrity-thumbs.nl/categories/Pussy.htm
  • https://www.celebrity-thumbs.nl/categories/Upskirt.htm

There are also TLS recommendations (no redirect from HTTP to HTTPS).

I then ran a parasite scan with Unmask Parasites on celebrity-thumbs.nl, and it is clean. Results: Unmask Parasites scan for celebrity-thumbs.nl.

I also checked celebrity-thumbs.nl on VirusTotal, and it is clean. Results: VirusTotal scan for celebrity-thumbs.nl.

celebrity-thumbs.nl VirusTotal results

URLVoid says celebrity-thumbs.nl passed all blocklist engines. Results: URLVoid scan for celebrity-thumbs.nl.

In conclusion, Sucuri says celebrity-thumbs.nl is a medium security risk because it returned a 500 Internal Server Error on the URL http://celebrity-thumbs.nl/404testpage4525d2fdc. Unmask Parasites says celebrity-thumbs.nl is clean of parasites. VirusTotal and Sucuri say celebrity-thumbs.nl isn’t malicious or blacklisted. OVERALL GRADE: Relatively Safe.

Links and Profiles

Website: celebrity-thumbs.nl

(Last Updated: 6/12/2024)

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celebrity-thumbs.nl User Reviews
Average rating:  
 1 reviews
 by Emerald

Website not secure (SSL). Many images didn't load and the theme looked outdated. But OK, maybe they aren't good developers. I looked beyond this and clicked on some of the most popular celebrities listed in the right column. The pictures were pretty good, but they opened in other webpages and websites. For example, when I clicked on a Kim Kardashian pic, it opened another site called celebdigg.com and donceleb.com, etc. That said, the pictures were incredible and ones I hadn't seen before. Were they real? Hard for me to say.