Last Updated on December 24, 2022 by Mathew Diekhake

You can set up the Event Viewer in Windows Vista to send you an email when the even you set up in the event log has happened.

What is Event Viewer?

Every applications that runs on your computer will be recorded as an event log in the Event Viewer. The Event Viewer is handy for administrators who may need to troubleshoot problems in the future. Every software failure, system access, hardware failure, so forth, is recorded in the Event Viewer for administrator’s to see. In other words, the Event Viewer is a database of your computer’s software and hardware history.

The following tutorial demonstrates how to setup the Event Viewer to send out an email to your inbox whenever the times has come in the event log for your scheduled event.

How to Setup Event Viewer to Send Email Notifications in Windows Vista

You can setup the Event Viewer in Windows Vista to send you en email when the even log has occurred from the Event Viewer. Here is how you can do that:

1. Click on the Start button in the taskbar at the bottom of your computer’s display to open up the Start menu.

2. In the search field at the bottom of the Start menu, type eventvwr and then click on the eventvwr link that appears under the programs heading at the top of the Start menu.

3. If you are prompted by User Account Control, click on the Continue button to get Windows Vista to open the Event Viewer.

4. From Event Viewer’s left pane, click on the event for the log that you wish to receive emails for.

5. From Event Viewer’s middle pane, click on the event that you want to receive emails for and then it will appear in the right pane.

6. Under the Event heading in the right pane of Event Viewer, click on Attach Task To This Event… action link.

7. From the Create Basic Task Wizard window, type the name and description for the email you want to receive from the Event Viewer and then click on the Next button at the bottom of the window.

8. From When an Event is Logged section of the Create a Basic Task Wizard window, click on the Next button at the bottom of the window.

9. From the Action section of the Create a Basic Task Wizard window, select dot Send an e-mail under where it asks What action do you want the task to perform?

10. From the Send an email section of the Create a Basic Task Wizard window, fill out the email information that you would like the Event Viewer to send the email to.

11. You need to enter the same details as your email account settings or your default email client where it asks for your SMTP server.

12. From the Finish section of the Create a Basic Task Wizard window, click on the Finish button to create the email notification.

You can now close the Event Viewer and expect to find an email in your in box when the event from your event log has occurred.

That’s all.

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