Google Photos is a photo sharing and storage service developed by Google. It was announced in May 2015 and separated from Google+, the company’s former social network.

In its free tier, Google Photos stores unlimited photos and videos up to 16 megapixels and 1080p resolution respectively (anything larger gets down-scaled to these sizes). This free tier will end on June 1, 2021. Photos and videos uploaded after that date get counted towards the 15 GB free quota shared across the user’s Google services.[4] There are subscriptions offered for users wanting to store their photos and videos at their “original” quality and requiring more storage than the 15 GB offered free.

Google Photos may soon be making some features locked behind paywalls. There has been an urge for Google to reconsider this if it is the case. Mishaal Rahman published an article on XDA-developers alluding to this and is yet to hear back from Google.

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