Last Updated on September 2, 2015 by Mathew Diekhake

When it comes to web browsers, we don’t often venture outside of the usual suspects like Chrome, Safari and Internet Explorer, but it’s a fact that there are also many other good ones out there.

Maxthon is a name that not many people have heard of, but it offers tremendous quality and is the world’s fastest web browser on an Android Smartphone or tablet. The same one is also available for the other competitors like Windows Phone and Apple’s IOS. Just because not many everyday people know the name doesn’t mean it doesn’t have a huge amount of people using it, because it does. In this case, there are over 600 million people already with it loaded with some type of mobile device.

Maxthon browser


One of the reasons for its success is that it’s a cloud browser so that everything is stored in the cloud. For whatever reason, that results in fantastic speeds when things are pulled from up there in quick succession. It’s a name that’s been in the business since 2002, and they were really starting to get popular by 2007 when they become the first ever browser to offer sandbox tabs. That gave Maxthon added security, and it was enough for the developers to win some awards and really boost them into the big time.

This new v4.1.7.2000 comes with some new features, which makes it a significant upgrade over the last, as well as offering a range of bug fixes and improvements.

In the old version, when we used to open a new tab it would be blank. Now it’s possible to store pages like Google Chrome would when it is first opened.

You can download the official Google Play application version from here, or use the APK that is available here. These links provided are only for the Android version of the app, but both of the other mobile platforms did also get updated as well. Maxthon updated the Apple version because it needed to become iOS 7 compatible. They ended up implementing the changes across all other platforms.