JizzBunker (jizzbunker.com) is a porn tube site. Recently JizzBunker also added a sex cam section for live models. In 2023, JizzBunker used the tube.cash advertising network.

As of April 2023, jizzbunker.com has 17.4 million monthly views according to Similar Web. The Wayback Machine estimates that jizzbunker.com was founded on December 26, 2014. The Internet Archive has saved jizzbunker.com 1,042 times between December 26, 2014, and May 8, 2023. The Internet Archive was saving jizzbunker.com much more frequently between the years 2015 and 2018 than it has been since 2018, though it is still being saved regularly.

See also: What Is letmejerk.com, and Is It Safe?

Is jizzbunker.com Safe?

Here, I analyzed jizzbunker.com for malware and malicious content to check if it was legit or a scam:

I checked jizzbunker.com on Sucuri, and it returned with no major issues. Results: Sucuri scan for jizzbunker.com.

JizzBunker.com Sucuri results

Security hardening flaws:

  • Leaked PHP version. Set expose_php = Off. Affected pages:
    https://jizzbunker.com/ for Google’s UA
    https://jizzbunker.com/ for iPad’s UA

I then ran a parasite scan with Unmask Parasites on jizzbunker.com, and it is clean. Results: Unmask Parasites scan for jizzbunker.com.

I also checked jizzbunker.com on VirusTotal, and it is clean. Results: VirusTotal scan for jizzbunker.com.

JizzBunker.com VirusTotal results

Further, jizzbunker.com is blocked by SCUMWARE on URLVoid. Results: URLVoid scan for jizzbunker.com.

See also: What Is porndig.com, and Is It Safe?

In conclusion, jizzbunker.com is safe. But it has security header issues. OVERALL GRADE: Safe.

Links and Profiles

Website: jizzbunker.com


1. SimilarWeb – jizzbunker.com

2. Wayback Machine – jizzbunker.com