Last Updated on November 8, 2015 by Mathew Diekhake

Blackberry is currently stuck in a gaping hole, and it’s one that many carriers are now choosing to steer clear from. It’s an ironic turn of events that makes the outlook seem even more bleak for Blackberry, but there’s nothing they can do.

In early October Canadian carrier giants, Rogers, had publicly declared that they won’t be taking the Blackberry Z30 and welcoming it into their lineup. This was the latest BB mobile release that actually looked the part if it wasn’t coming from such a struggling company.

Today, though, Rogers have changed their tune and have officially decided to take the Z30 after all.

Here’s what they said:

October 09, 2013

Toronto, ON (October 9, 2013) – In response to customers’ feedback and excitement about the device, Rogers looks forward to offering the new Z30 to its customers.

“We have a longstanding partnership with Blackberry and continue to be big supporters of the company and their products. Rogers will be making the device available online, through our national reservation system and directly to our business to business customers. We’re pleased to add the new Z30 to our roster of Blackberry Smartphones, which includes the Z10, Q10 and Q5.”

The move should offer some temporary relief for BB if nothing more at this point. They are still trying to find a buyer and currently talks have stalled. The latest estimates have them pinned to be falling apart within the next year and a half, which may have scared off any prospects that were around.