Last Updated on November 8, 2015 by Mathew Diekhake

MetroPCS is a phone carrier looking to do a lot of growing. You can see that in the way they seem to have an advertising billboard of just about every live event on TV. They do a great job covering sports, one of which being the UFC where they had a logo in the Octagon during the last fight night.

Their commitment to grow is also shown on the device side of things also, with the latest effort of picking up the Samsung Galaxy Mega 6.3 a good one. In order to keep growing you have to keep pushing, and it looks like the Metro company have that all figured out. It’s safe to assume it’s working too, or else they wouldn’t keep doing it.

If you want to get dibs on this one, you can pick yours up from this carrier on November the 25th. All up there’s over 15 stores across the United States that will give you a chance to shop at. They range from California all the way over to the East coast.

The low price comes in at $499. Although it’s coming late compared to other carriers, it still is a good price. It doesn’t end there either. With the holidays coming up they are offering a Christmas $100 price saving, and if you shop in store and not online they will give you another $50 on top of that.

“MetroPCS wants consumers to get the most for their money, and by eliminating the need and cost of two separate devices and delivering a premium 4G LTE mobile experience for as low as $40 a month, we’re providing quality and value in a mega way.”

Via: TmoNews