People using Apple products can now be happy that a new bit of software in iOS 7.1 beta 2 has been seeded to developers. In order to see it and use it you will need to be signed up as a developer. That doesn’t actually require you to be one, however, it means creating an account and basically coughing up $99 and then you will get access. The idea behind it is that it will be filled with bugs still, as they always are when we get them fresh. From here, the developers will report back with a list of fixes that need to be implemented as well as the inclusion of some extra ideas to make things better. That’s the way the world of firmware works, because even in today’s day and age it isn’t easy to perfect.

iOS 7.1


Once you get the build on your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch, then you will be able to reach the standard general settings menu and see a new featured called “car feature”. Accompanied with it is the toggle option to turn it on or off. As of today, nobody knows if this means it can actually be displayed on your dashboard, or whether it’s an early entry for what we are going to see next year in 2014 — the Siri in-car option. We have only been told there will be a Siri button, but news of iOS in cars has been around for a while. It’s possible there will be extra options that you can see on a modern-day dash display.

9 to 5 Mac are saying that it is used right away as long as users have the car console to go with it. Once it is all connected, the driver or passenger will then be able to look at messages, music and maps all from the display screen in the car.

This is the beta, which means we are not yet at the complete 7.1 stage yet. It is just listed that way, but you have to take into account the rest of the label. We’ve been doing this kind of thing for a few years now, and the pattern generally is 4 of them all up before we see the complete build be released — in this case that will be the real-deal iOS 7.1 final copies.

You don’t need to update to this. They don’t do you any good. If you are interested in checking out what is new, or if you want a bit of a play around then you can get yours from the Dev’s center. This will not roll out into your settings as a normal polished version would do.

This will be available to be downloaded on most iOS devices.

Via: 9 to 5 Mac