Last Updated on May 13, 2017 by Mathew Diekhake

This Cydia tweak, creatively named ‘In a Minute’, gives you the option of fine tuning your reminders.

The In a Minute Cydia tweak enhances the standard Reminders app so that you can now set reminders for a minute, instead of the previous 5 minute rule the Reminders app had and couldn’t be changed.


We all know tweaks are great, and this is exactly what they set out to achieve – enhancing an already existing function with some added extra functionality. Whether it was marketed that way to appeal to a broader spectrum, or whether the developer simply didn’t do it, Cydia tweaks are great for setting up your iPhone, iPad and iPod touches with things the way you want them, instead of the way they are given to you.

Being limited to five-minute intervals like the Reminders app has it obvious implications. What if you wanted to do something sooner than five minutes after you just did something else? This roll-over of time may have seemed unlikely to the Reminders app developer, however,  it most certainly does happen. For all of you out there that it does happen to, all you need to do is Jailbreak your devices and grab this tweak.

As usual, if you haven’t got a jailbroken device yet, you can get the guide on how to do this in our Jailbreak section above. Simply search for the title that appeals to your respective device and away you go.

Once you have a jailbroken device you can now head over to the In A Minute source, which is the BigBoss Repo to download yours.