If you are interested in restoring all factory settings for the Windows Phone Nokia 710 you will need to perform a hard reset. The Nokio Lumia 710 is equipped with the Windows 7.5 Mango operating system and is a great phone for Windows. It was one of the first Windows phone that looked promising for Microsoft to finally break into the mobile market. It did succeed to doing so to an extent, and thus becoming quite popular, not only as a phone, but for people looking to perform a hard reset on the Windows Phone Nokia 710.

How To Format Nokia Lumia 710/Hard Reset Lumia 710

Step 1. Power on the Lumia 710 and swipe to the left from the home screen.

Step 2. Tap on the setting Icon.

Step 3. Inside settings toggle to the About icon and tap it.

Step 4. Inside here is an option you can tap to reset your Windows Phone.

Step 5. From here, simply follow the prompt. It will make you confirm that it is what you want to do. Just tap yes when it tells you to, and then it will begin the hard reset process. Wait patiently for the process to finish. The Windows Phone Nokia 710 will reset itself when the operation is complete.

It should also give you a write up of what this operation will actually be erasing. Make sure you are aware of all the things that will be gone before you make the final decision on what to do.

You should find this process much the same for similar models and variants on the Windows phone devices if you should wish to perform the operation on another device you know of.