Last Updated on November 16, 2022 by Mathew Diekhake

Yesterday, a Twitter employee told Elon Musk he was wrong in his reasoning for why Twitter for Android was so slow.

The Twitter employee, Eric Frohnhoefer, said the problem was more related to unnecessary features than it was the number of unnecessary requests. The conversation resulted in Frohnhoefer being fired. Musk’s reasoning for the firing was Frohnhoefer’s claim was inaccurate.

Musk has since deleted the tweet where he said Frohnhoefer was fired but much of the rest of the conversation between Musk and the ex-Twitter employee is still visible on Twitter. A scroll of Frohnhoefer’s timeline suggests he was indeed still fired for his conversation he had with Musk.

A well-known Google employee has hinted in a cryptic tweet that he agrees with the Twitter employee who was fired for questioning Musk, both in terms of being willing to question Musk and have given the right answer to the problem.

In the beginning of November, François Chollet had expressed sympathy toward the some 3,700 Twitter employees who were about to be fired after Elon Musk took over the company. “If you work at Twitter, you have my sympathy. Thank you for your work so far.” he said.