Mixed reality is the result of blending the physical world with the digital world. Mixed reality is the next evolution in human, computer, and environment interaction and unlocks possibilities that before now were restricted to our imaginations. It is made possible by advancements in computer vision, graphical processing power, display technology, and input systems.

Technological advancement is what has enabled mixed reality experiences. There are no devices today that can run experiences across the entire spectrum; however, Windows 10 provides a common mixed reality platform for both device manufacturers and developers. Devices today can support a specific range within the mixed reality spectrum, and over time new devices should expand that range

When using a Windows mixed reality headset, you can set up a boundary which will be the region you must stay within for the mixed reality headset to operate. A boundary can help you avoid obstacles and obstructions in your environment so you don’t forget where they are.

How to Create Boundary for Windows Mixed Reality in Windows 10

You can create a boundary for the mixed reality headset from the Mixed Reality Portal app’s left menu. Here is how to do that:

1. Start by setting up your Windows mixed reality headset.

2. Using the search field in the taskbar, search for the Mixed Reality Portal app and open it.

3. With the Mixed Reality Portal app open, click on the left menu three-lined button and then toggle on Boundary.

4. Click Run setup directly beneath the Boundary toggle.

5. Click Set me up for all experiences.

6. Follow the on-screen instructions for creating a boundary in that room you’re in by clearing the space around you.

7. Follow the on-screen instructions again to center the headset with the room you’re in.

8. Proceed to follow the rest of the on-screen instructions to setting up the boundary.

In conclusion, that is how to create a boundary for the Windows mixed reality headset in Windows 10.