Last Updated on December 26, 2022 by Mathew Diekhake

We are now seeing some extraordinary Windows Phone promotions with these three free apps, which once did cost as much as $1.99, and as little as 99 cents. To make them become a hot commodity, they cover three key things that we all need in our daily lives — a stopwatch for fitness purposes, a Notes application so that you can jot down your ideas and thoughts, plus a counter application so you can keep track of where you are up to for a certain task. While they are independent, they are working really well with each other, and all look very similar with almost identical UI’s. This gives the appearance that they have all been developed together and made to suit the device which is exactly what you would want to see.

All of them have a black background with white numbers, offering a great contrast that makes the numbers easy to read. This deal has only just started up today on new years Eve/New years Day, depending on what part of the world you come from.

They’re all fairly simple to understand. Once you have downloaded the apps, there won’t be any problems at all in knowing how to use them. There’s not much else to fill you in on either that we already haven’t. Windows Phone central was the blog that broke this news. You can see their report on it by clicking in the “via” link at the bottom here.

Over the last few months we have seen apps like Xbox Video, Waze, Euronews, the USAA banking app, Metromail, Go ToMetting plus many more that are all amazing in their own right and well worth checking out on the platform.

Via WP Central