Last Updated on January 5, 2024 by Mathew Diekhake
All Star Tower Defense is a game on the online gaming platform Roblox.
All Star Tower Defense codes are cheat codes for the All Star Tower Defense game on Roblox.
Here are the All Star Tower Defense active codes:
- happyholidays1 – 200 stardust and 5,000 gems (level 40+ required)
- happyholidays2 – 200 stardust and 5,000 gems (level 100+ 20 minutes gameplay required)
Redeem Code
You can redeem the All Star Tower Defense codes via the game’s Settings menu.
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January 5, 2024 @ 20:13
Editor’s Note:
The All Star Tower Defense codes were updated on 1/5/2024. Here are the All Star Tower Defense codes for December 2023:
newstarpass69 – 150 stardust (level 30+ and 20 minutes game time required)