Genshin Impact game coverGenshin Impact is an open-world, action role-playing game on PlayStation 4, GeForce Now, Android, PlayStation 5, Microsoft Windows, and iOS.

Genshin Impact codes are cheat codes you can use when playing Genshin Impact on any platform.

Here are the Genshin Impact codes:


  • 8BQ9CMMVS5PM – 100 primogems and 50k mora
  • RS99D5LVTM6V – 100 primogems and ten mystic enhancement ore
  • UBRQC4MCT4PZ – 100 primogems and five hero’s wit

Off stream:

  • 6T8NWE3HD7PD – 60 primogems and five adventurer’s experience
  • EA8RWDMBVRTR – 60 primogems and five adventurer’s experience
  • GENSHINGIFT – 50 primogems and three hero’s wit (periodic)

Redeem Code

You redeem the Genshin Impact codes on the Genshin Impact code redemption page.