Last Updated on April 12, 2017 by Mathew Diekhake

The update namely 1.00.12 is for the Action Camera Extension app, and it lets users connect and use the camera on the Smartwatch 2 and the Smartband SWO10. It also works in conjunction with Smart Connect. As you can see by the comments on the link here, there is a few issues and one with lag. It’s no guarantee this will happen to you, but the risk is there. A few other comments touch on something I mention later in the post so I won’t repeat it. The update came out on the 12 of June and were only 498k in size. If you don’t know what that means, it is under half of an MB. We can tell you that at least 1,000 people have installed this update so far so if you search around for information you can assess the risk. Each device that it is compatible for will vary with what Android operating system is needed to have it running so check your exact details.

Sony smartband

When it comes to gaining command of our technology remotely most of us don’t do much of it except for using uTorrent and entering our friend’s computers to help them out. However, it looks as though the idea is about to take a giant leap in the future starting from right now with Sony Smartwatch 2 and the Smartband SWR10. With this update, all owners of those devices can take control of the Sony wireless camera remotely, signifying you do not need to be anywhere near the device as long as you are within 10 meters.

The Action camera Extension is found by navigating to Smartwatch 2 > Installed Applications > Action Camera Extension. You will pass Watch faces and Search for Applications along the way. Also, if you go into Settings, you will see Enable photo preview and Enable Camera view.

Many view the new watches we see today as a bit gimmicky, but tech-lovers have found a need for them. It is another one of those situations where you ideally could use this further away than 10 meters to optimize the fun, but there will obviously be a market for geeks out there looking for some fun if nothing else. Using your imagination it is easy to come up with some ways to use this just try not to be too perverted in your approaches.

What’s more, interesting is that this upgrade works for Sony-based digital cameras and DV cameras too. The list is here to check which ones.