4 Porn (4porn.com) is a porn search engine. 4porn.com looks similar to Fap Vid. 4 Porn is a site with a lot of amateur models.

4porn.com is more reliable than the average porn search engine.


Similar sites to 4 Porn include Iwank TV, Anyporn, Anyporn, Bestandfree, Hot-sex-tube, Porn-plus, OK (xxx), Largepornfilms, Pornspan, and Largehdtube.


As of January 2024, 4porn.com has 6.383 million monthly views, according to Similar Web. The Wayback Machine estimates that 4porn.com was founded on December 2, 1998. The Internet Archive has saved 4porn.com 5,067 times between December 2, 1998 and February 21, 2024.

Is 4porn.com Safe?

Here, I analyzed 4porn.com for malware and malicious content to check if it was legit or a scam:

I checked 4porn.com on Sucuri, and it returned as a low security risk. Results: Sucuri scan for 4porn.com.

4porn.com Sucuri results

Sucuri says 4porn.com is a low security risk; however, it returned a 403 Forbidden (warning-400) status on the following URLs:

  • https://4porn.com/go?id=262&u=https://www.porngur.com
  • https://4porn.com/go?id=449&u=https://www.iwank.tv/
  • https://4porn.com/go?id=467&u=https://www.largehdtube.com/
  • https://4porn.com/go?id=588&u=https://pornspan.com
  • https://4porn.com/go?id=613&u=https://porn-plus.com/

Security hardening flaws:

  • Missing security header for ClickJacking Protection. Affected pages:

I then ran a parasite scan with Unmask Parasites on 4porn.com, and it is clean. Results: Unmask Parasites scan for 4porn.com.

I also checked 4porn.com on VirusTotal, and it is clean. Results: VirusTotal scan for 4porn.com.

4porn.com VirusTotal results

Further, 4porn.com passed all blocklist engines on URLVoid. Results: URLVoid scan for 4porn.com.

In conclusion, 4porn.com was blocking Sucuri from scanning numerous URLs and has numerous security hardening flaws that affected pages. Nevertheless, Sucuri is satisfied that 4porn.com isn’t potentially suspicious. OVERALL GRADE: Safe.

Links and Profiles

Website: 4porn.com


1. SimilarWeb – 4porn.com

2. Wayback Machine – 4porn.com
