Microsoft Edge is a universal web browser that can be used across any operating system but is owned by Microsoft and only comes as the default browser in Windows.

Websites often have media licenses for the content they own. Many of these domains would prefer being able to save information regarding the users who download their media such as a unique identifier (ID) and the media license that ensures you have permission to have the media.

If you like, you can turn off this option so protected media licenses are not saved in Microsoft Edge. Note that turning off this feature, it will mean you will not be able to use the protected media; it does not allow you to bypass the locks associated with the protected media.

The following tutorial demonstrates how to turn on/off Microsoft Edge saving protected media licenses.

How to Turn On/Off Microsoft Edge Saving Protected Media Licenses

You can choose if you want Microsoft Edge to save protected media licenses in the Privacy and Security settings in Edge. Here is where to find the toggle:

1. With Edge open, click on the three-dotted Settings and More icon.

2. From the Settings and More menu, click Settings.

3. Click Privacy and Security. And then from the right side of the same window, under Media Licenses, toggle on or off where it says Let sites save protected media licenses on my device.

In conclusion, that is how to turn on/off Microsoft Edge saving protected media licenses.