Last Updated on May 13, 2017 by Mathew Diekhake

They were calling it one of the greatest, if not the greatest tweaks ever to come out and when you get a glimpse of what Velox actually does, it soon becomes apparent why. This Velox tweak is kind of a big deal. It does a lot.

As soon as you open your iPhone you have your apps all laid out there. Well with Velox installed the way those apps work completely changes. Each individual app has it’s own set of custom features that are just simply amazing. For instance take the standard camera app, which with this jailbreak tweak, lets you look through the lens right there from the Springboard. Swipe down on the phone app and you get a whole new look which enables you to view right there in front of you, all of your recent missed calls. Take that one step further by having the options such as calling them back put as a dot in the same screen. It’s really intelligently done. The messages app is a similar deal, swipe down to check out all the messages. As great as all that is, the integration of social sharing when it comes to taking a photo might just take the cake. Never have I witnessed taking a photo to be so easy. The reason being is that you get to use a bunch of neat options without even opening the app up. This is what makes this jailbreak tweak so great. It really is ten times greater than the stock iOS of the way to do things. It’s nothing short of amazing.


When it comes to Velox features, I have saved the best to last. It single-handedly manages to change the way we view the web once it’s installed. If you are an avid web browser from your mobile phone, whether it be twitter or any site, the Velox tweak has managed to come up with a way to view all of the latest updates really easily.

There was a big Velox preview last month as the team showed off the amazing tweak to the world, but it wasn’t a final product. I’m glad to tell you all that this is now available to be downloaded from the Cydia store. You can head over right now and grab yourself a copy of one of the greatest Cydia tweaks to ever be released.

It’s fairly complex because it does so much. Never fear though, as Velox have implemented their own how-to user guide for all to run through. It comes with the tweak itself when you download it.

Nothing quite shows off Velox like a video. Unfortunately, I don’t have one as I don’t have it myself yet. Watch the clip below that features Jeff from iDownloadblog with the tweak in action. Keep in mind this video version from Jeff is only showing the preview version which was released last month. The real deal was only released a day or so ago.