Last Updated on April 6, 2017 by Mathew Diekhake
Sony announced the Social Suite last year and part of that package is the Info-Eye. As the name suggests the it’s part of what makes the Sony Xperia camera application so great. Instead of enhancing the picture, it produces information about what the camera is seeing through the lens so you better understand your surrounding and the environment.
Well, today that same application is receiving a new update to version 1.7.05. The new iteration comes at 21.1 MB in size. That means it doesn’t carry much weight. However, according to the official changelog available from the Update Center, the 1.7.05 Info Eye update comes with improved recognition for bar-codes, business cards, texts, QR codes, the ability to send details about items that have no information available to better the service in future and bug fixes making it outshine the last version.
The Japanese phone-maker relies on people sending in information about what isn’t working. That way they can come up with more information. It doesn’t sound like it would make much difference. However, when you think about how many people own the device, you’d understand that it does result in masses sending in data. That service will improve again now that the new version comes with enhancements in that area.
Furthermore, if you were experiencing any bugs within the earlier firmware, hopefully you’ll have relief in today’s build. The new build is available directly over the air to your device. Alternatively, you can download the APK file from here and install it using a file manager.