Last Updated on November 5, 2016 by Mathew Diekhake

For those of you with the Japanese phone carrier, DoComo, and own a Xperia S SO-04E you can expect a new Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean firmware heading straight to your mobiles settings panel in the coming weeks. The roll out begun earlier today.

It is true that Android announced that its next official OS will be KitKat, however, don’t get your hopes up and expect it from your device any time soon. Chances are it will still be quite some time before it makes its way around to the best of devices, let alone the Xperia A. For users of Xperia So-04E, you should be happy with this latest 4.2.2 Jelly Bean for now.

Being a fresh release there is not yet any official firmware file which we can give you to download it manually as of yet. However, the file will be released to the public within the next few days. That means when it does become available, we will try to post it up for everybody who needs it for various reasons. The most common one being the folks who have customization’s on their mobiles and have no choice, but to download manually.

Always keep in mind that if you do have root access it will be lost if you do decide to grab the firmware file and update it manually.