Last Updated on November 8, 2015 by Mathew Diekhake

Bloomberg the media outlet and not the mayor of New York has a hold of news that the next iPhone will come with a larger screen, as we have also previously reported.

“Two models planned for release in the second half of next year would feature larger displays with glass that curves down at the edges, said the person, declining to be identified because the details aren’t public. Sensors that can distinguish heavy or light touches on the screen may be incorporated into later models, the person said.”

Curved phones are what is in fashion in the Smartphone industry and look like it will still be that way when this time next year comes around. We had all hoped that these curving innovations would turn into a flexible shell in the near future, but iPhone will be steering clear of that for at least 1 more year. Samsung was recently documented stating that they too would have curved screens, more than what they have this year and 2015 would have a full fold-able screen, but there is still nothing noted on the shell front. Apple’s iPhone always comes out during the U.S. summer period, only a few months ago from now. This will more than likely stay the same once again in 2014 when you can expect to see these new designs. It’s also time for the next jump up in numbers if tradition stays true — that will make this one the iPhone 6, up from the current iPhone 5S. The news hasn’t yet been confirmed by the fruit company out of Cupertino just yet, with everybody refusing to comment on the current reports. It’s very likely that this does prove true, however.

Other rumors have this one with a 5 inch screen and a 1080p resolution.