Last Updated on May 13, 2017 by Mathew Diekhake

Many people who own a HTC One have been eagerly anticipating the arrival of the Sense 5.0 feature to come. It seems that arrival date could be very soon for the folks over in the U.S.A. If one of the HTC insiders is anything to go by, it will be coming installed inside the next Android 4.3 update which will be available soon. As usual, when it does arrive we will let you know and hopefully get our hand on the direct file for all to download manually.

It is not yet known when that date will be exactly. Current estimations have it around two or three weeks time.

The HTC One is falling behind its sister phones in the Max and Mini models which could very well be seeing the Sense 5.5 around about the same time. The HTC Butterfly S is also believed to be included in that list.

Android 4.3 comes with support for two more languages including Hebrew and Arabic, a dial pad with automatic suggestions enabled once you start typing the number, Bluetooth smart support and restricted profiles that lets parents restrict the content their children can access.