Links are the ways to go to another page from a web page by clicking on it. You can give links to relevant web pages to your friends and let them enjoy what you have found. But, there’s, however, a problem. How could it be done if we want our friend to pay attention only to the specific text on a web page? Well, there is a solution exists for that problem. Here is a website which lets you link to the specific text in a web page and highlights that text. This way, whoever goes to that page, will be able to find the exact information he wants. For example, if you want that your friend should read only a part of an article and should focus it on, then you can use the service given below that will allow you to highlight only the text which you provide in the form. This way, he wouldn’t need to wander here and there and can get to the point as quickly as he opens the link.

Here Is How You Can Directly Link To Specific Text In A Web Page

Step 1: Go to CiteBite website.

Step 2: There, you can see two boxes, in the first box, fill in the Text which you want to be highlighted. In the second box, type the web page URL where the Text exists.

Step 3: Hit the Make CiteBite button. Voila ! Your link is ready.

Now, just go to that link and the text you have specified in step 2 will be highlighted. That straightforward and easy to use feature will let you share the exact things on the web, not everything. The site also provides Browser Bookmarklet to make your work much easier. Just go to any web page, select some text and press this Bookmarklet. You will be presented with the CiteBite URL for that page. If you are a Mozilla Firefox user, then you can download the CiteBite Add-on.

The great feature of using this service is, it can show the web pages for which you have generated links even when the original site is down. That helps you when the site is down, and you got some important work to do on it. It caches the pages on its servers. Hence you can see the webpages of the site which is down.

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