Last Updated on April 6, 2017 by Mathew Diekhake

We are in the midst of creating our first batch of guides for installing CM 12 based custom ROM on Android devices. The list includes the Sony Xperia SP, Samsung Galaxy S4, Galaxy Note 2, Note 3 LTE, Galaxy S5 LTE and many more in the coming days ahead. Anyhow, if you are looking to flash one of these custom ROMs you’ll find a download link for installing Google Gapps. Often the guides do not go into great detail about flashing the Gapps pack or the unofficial firmware file based on Android 5.0 Lollipop because they assume people already know hot to flash the files. That’s not always the case as sometimes we have new people who don’t customize devices a great deal.

Sid Cyanogen

Therefore, we are creating the guide here to give you the detailed information you need for flashing the CM 12 Google Gapps pack. Follow the steps below and then navigate back to the guide where you came from to finish the steps for installing the custom ROM of your choice.

How to install Gapps For CM 12

  1. Download the official stock Google Gapps pack for CM 12 here.
    – most of you will prefer using the specific file that comes attached to your guide.
  2. Do not unzip the file.
  3. Boot the device of your choice in custom recovery mode.
    – press the key sequence that works on the phone or tablet, or install the Reboot Manager app from Google Play.
  4. Connect the device to the computer.
  5. Search for the “install zip from SD card” option from the menu.
  6. Browse through the option using the Volume keys.
  7. Select “choose zip from SD card” and find the gapps pack.
  8. Confirm the upload and wait until the installation completes.
  9. Navigate back to the main menu in recovery and select “reboot system now” to boot the device in normal mode.