There are more than a dozen of movies in Hollywood and they know you want it for free. Experience it on your Crackle Google TV app via Crackle feature.

Action, comedy, drama. You name it, they have it. Crackle gives you full-length Hollywood movies. Want thrilling scenes? They’ll find it for you. How about love stories or inspirational movies? They’ll make sure you’ll have it watched. What about ghost stories and mysteries? They’ll have it available in just minutes.


You’re going to be updated all the time. Crackle will always give you something new and maybe some extra. Every month, there will always be new movie options. How about TV shows you say? Don’t worry; they’ll be serving up to ten different episodes every month.

Are you an anime lover? Have I ever told you that Crackle Google TV app is the official US home to Animax? No? Well, it is. You’ll find every possible anime shows with Crackle, 60anime titles and more than a thousand episodes.

To fully enjoy free movies and TV shows, remember to open the TV & Movies app and select the “FREE” filter on the top left corner of the Crackle Google TV app. Now, all you have to do is Sit back, Relax and Enjoy the show.

If you haven’t installed the Crackle app yet you can do so by opening up this Google Play link for Crackle