Last Updated on August 7, 2022 by Mathew Diekhake

Adding new Cydia repositories will come in handy for many reasons. The main one is that different repos are home to different things. Naturally, there will be something you wish to have, which will then require a new repo or source. On top of that, there are many other reasons, such as negating an issue or having to re-install a deleted one. OK, so here’s how to do it.

How To Add A New Repo On Cydia/Add A New Cydia Source

Step 1.The first thing you will need is of course Cydia itself. Assuming you have gotten that already, locate Cydia on your iPhone home screen. Click on the Cydia icon to open it up.

Step 2. As soon as Cydia is open, there will be a black bar across the bottom of the screen which has some options on it. Look for the tab that says Manage on it and click it.

Step 3. Now from inside the Manage tab, on the screen, there will be a Sources section. There are three options on the screen. The top one is Packages, the middle one is Sources and the bottom one is Storage.

Step 4. Now you will be able to see a bunch of Cydia sources such as ModMyi, the BigBoss, etc. At the top of the screen inside the blue bar will be an Edit button. Once you click Edit the next option will be Add. Now you can add a new repo and save it to your list.

Step 5. After tapping add it will allow you to input the URL of the new Cydia source you wish to add. You will need to know this to insert it. Once you have put it in now you need to click Add Source to finish the job.

From here, it is just a matter of waiting for the repo to finish downloading . Once it has finished press the return to Cydia button on screen. That’s all there is to it. Now when you go to the sources screen you should now see the new source that you have entered and the old one gone.